About us

Our Heritage

Being Dutch, the weshipyachts.com crew have boats in their blood. As a tiny nation of explorers, the people of the Netherlands have spent centuries criss-crossing the oceans to trade. Did you know that over half the world’s goods were transported on Dutch bottoms during the VOC Golden Age in the 1600s?

The Dutch also pioneered sailing for pleasure: even the word ‘yacht’ has its origins in our language {jacht}. And, with much of the Netherlands being well below sea level, those who stayed on land have also proven their ability to live with water, deploying the smartest engineering solutions to keep us dry.

Today the Dutch yachting industry rules the waves and weshipyachts.com is proud to play its part. If discovering the world is in your DNA, we know how to take your boat where you need her to be.

Our Experience

The Dutch also have a rich understanding of what premium quality means in the maritime business. At weshipyachts.com, we can draw on the experience of our mother company, the NEPA Group. Now celebrating 30 years of specialism in shipping services, including the transportation of barges and many other special vessels, NEPA has offices around the world.

This gives weshipyachts.com access to a wealth of expertise in global shipping routes, custom regimes, insurance, documentation and the like. It also provides our individual clients with the financial stability of a highly respected brand. And it gives brokers and boatbuilders the security of a reliable and bespoke delivery service.

Our Promise

It’s easier and more cost-effective than you might think to have your boat transported, no matter where you want to go. How do we know? Because weshipyachts.com is staffed by yachties who understand why it’s such a big deal to have your precious boat transported across the ocean.

We know that, while you can always buy a new boat, the memories that come alive when you step onboard your current yacht are priceless. That, when you consider that trip you’ve been planning, the vision in your mind is how it would feel on your boat, the views from your deck, the pleasure of sleeping in your bed.

That’s why the team in our Amsterdam head office and our partners around the world make this promise: we are totally committed to ensuring your boat arrives at your chosen destination in tip-top condition, allowing you and her to continue making memories together

Our offices